10-9-22 Bulletin

Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Will Tennison, Curtis Robertson, Billy & Magdalen Irwin, Garrett Hill, Sophie Grubbs, Sydney Phillips, Howard Crump, Billy Graham, David Fleming, Jerry Goodner, Bryson Welford

The Prayer focus for October: 

"Finding Your Place through the 'In His Steps' Commitment Program." Our
scripture text is I Peter 2:21.  

Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! If you want more information about our church, please call the church office at 662-869-2956

Bus Driver for October
John Shows is the Bus Driver for October & may be reached at 662-401-9193

Opportunities for This Week and Beyond 
  • 4:00 pm – Children's Christmas Music Practice in Sanctuary
  • 5:15 pm – Handbell practice 

  • 6:00 pm – Children's Christmas Music Practice
  • 6:30 pm – Bible Study for Youth & Adults, G-Zone for children
  • 6:30 pm – A New Women's Bible Study – "The Armor of God" with Video Access by Priscilla Shirer (Purchase on Amazon). Questions?  Contact Stacey Greenwood
  • 6:30 pm – Choir Practice -- Has God blessed you with the gift of singing?  Your choir needs you and welcomes you!  Please consider joining us this week!
  • 7:30 pm – Leadership Team Meeting

Sunday, October 16
  • 2-4 pm – Baby Shower honoring Jake Boone Cheney at The Dillard's Home, 127 Shady Lane Drive, Tupelo, 38804. Bethanne is registered on Amazon "Bethanne Cheney's Baby Registry." Please RSVP to 662-213-7764

Thursday, October 20
  • 5:00 pm – The Senior Adult Night Group will be going to "The Warehouse Fish & Steak" in New Albany.

Sunday, October 23
  • 4-6:30 pm – Fall Festival
Come and join us for food, fun, and fellowship. There will be face painting, a photo booth, music, a Trunk or Treat, a cakewalk, hayride, games, and more. Music provided by "The Saltillo Circuit Riders" and a possibility of others. We are asking for your help. We need cakes, pies, cookies for the Cake Walk, Trunks for the "Trunk or Treat," and candy. Signup sheets in the children's wing, FLC, Sanctuary foyer, and candy collection baskets are ready for you.

Something new is happening soon!
Music ministry announces a men's singing group! All levels of singing experience are welcome. Please contact David Long (397-2642) or Nathan Murff (523-0547).

Alabaster Bag Homeless Ministry
The alabaster bag will receive coats, caps, gloves, sweaters, and blankets.




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