7-30-23 Bulletin
Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Sydney Phillips, Howard Crump, Billy Graham, Bryson Welford, Tony Sandlin, Jerry Goodner, Max and Frances Stephens, Susan Echols, Phillip Izzard, Mike Mann
The Prayer focus for July is The Church
Our Scripture is Matthew 16:18 "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! For more information about our church you may call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit www.saltillomethodist.org.
Bus Driver for August
Mike Irwin is the bus driver & may be reached at 662-260-9878.
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Today, July 30
6:00 pm - Church-wide End of Summer Bash! Homemade Ice Cream Contest.
Hamburger Meal. Games for all. Everyone is invited to attend!
Wednesday, August 2
6:30 pm – Bible Study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for children
6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice
Thursday, August 3
6:30 pm – Community-Wide Prayer Service at Saltillo City Hall
Sunday, August 6
8:30 am – Sunday School Promotion and Pancake Breakfast in the FLC
10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
A Note from Your Finance Committee
Please make all checks and bill pay on automatic payments to Saltillo Methodist Church.
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Sydney Phillips, Howard Crump, Billy Graham, Bryson Welford, Tony Sandlin, Jerry Goodner, Max and Frances Stephens, Susan Echols, Phillip Izzard, Mike Mann
The Prayer focus for July is The Church
Our Scripture is Matthew 16:18 "And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it."
Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! For more information about our church you may call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit www.saltillomethodist.org.
Bus Driver for August
Mike Irwin is the bus driver & may be reached at 662-260-9878.
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Today, July 30
6:00 pm - Church-wide End of Summer Bash! Homemade Ice Cream Contest.
Hamburger Meal. Games for all. Everyone is invited to attend!
Wednesday, August 2
6:30 pm – Bible Study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for children
6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice
Thursday, August 3
6:30 pm – Community-Wide Prayer Service at Saltillo City Hall
Sunday, August 6
8:30 am – Sunday School Promotion and Pancake Breakfast in the FLC
10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
A Note from Your Finance Committee
Please make all checks and bill pay on automatic payments to Saltillo Methodist Church.
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