Youth Upcoming Events

  • March 9 - Youth Prayer Breakfast at 6:50am in FLC. Bus will be provided
  • April 2 - Easter play. If you or your kid has signed up to play a role, we meet every Sunday at 4pm at the church. We encourage you to be there.
  • April 11 - ICC Worship Night at ICC Wesley at 7pm. This is for juniors and seniors only! We will take the bus and leave from the church at 5:00pm to go eat before we go to the worship night.
  • May 4 - Youth Prayer Breakfast at 6:50am in FLC. Bus will be provided.
  • May 7 - Baccalaureate Service at 10am in sanctuary.
    Learn More:
Baccalaureate Dates to Remember:
  • March 12 (first Sunday of Spring Break): Registration form due
  • April 9 (Easter): All Scholarship forms and documents due
  • May 3: Practice after Wednesday service
  • May 7: Baccalaureate services
  • May 10 - FCA Worship Night! Our church is going to be hosting FCA worship night here at our church. All are invited to attend. It will be from 6-8:30pm.
  • June 1-3- Delta Grace trip. Delta Grace sign up deadline will be April 12! If you would like to come please let me know or sign up on our sign up sheet in our youth building.
    Learn More:
  • July 11-14- M28. M28 registration deadline is March 22. If you are wanting to go please let me know or sign up on our sign up sheet in our youth building. After March 22, no other sign ups!  
    Learn More:
*Also Note: We are going to have a Senior Night for the seniors in May. A time where we can eat and hangout together and encourage them as they enter into their new season. Date for that will be coming soon.




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