3-24-24 Bulletin
Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Billy Graham, Jerry Goodner, Max & Frances Stephens, Phillip Izzard, Mike Mann, Bill McMurry, Mitzi Lansdell, Jackie McMurry, Eugene Whitehead, Charles Warren, Becky Walker, Eloise Stokes, Cindy Murphy, Wess Westmoreland, Gene Walters, Military: Will Burnett, Gaige Roellgen, Adam Fisher
March Prayer Focus
The Prayer Focus for March is “Repentance.” Our Scripture text is Matthew 4:17.
Bus Driver for March
Joe Senter is the bus driver & may be reached at 662-662-255-5935.
Newcomers and Visitors
For more information about our church you may call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit www.saltillomethodist.org.
Join us for Holy Week at Saltillo Methodist Church
March 24 – Palm Sunday
Deadline to order an Easter lily to be placed in the church for Easter. Please stop by the Welcome Desk to order.
Wednesday, March 27
Friday, March 29 – Good Friday
Sunday, March 31 – Easter
Our Easter celebration begins at sunrise! Please join us at 6:00 am on March 31 st under the awning outside the Sanctuary to worship and place flowers on the Easter cross. You are welcome to bring fresh blooms of all colors and sizes. If you are not able to come to Sunrise Worship, please bring your flowers as you arrive for Sunday School and Worship.
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Wednesday, April 3
Thursday, April 4
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Billy Graham, Jerry Goodner, Max & Frances Stephens, Phillip Izzard, Mike Mann, Bill McMurry, Mitzi Lansdell, Jackie McMurry, Eugene Whitehead, Charles Warren, Becky Walker, Eloise Stokes, Cindy Murphy, Wess Westmoreland, Gene Walters, Military: Will Burnett, Gaige Roellgen, Adam Fisher
March Prayer Focus
The Prayer Focus for March is “Repentance.” Our Scripture text is Matthew 4:17.
Bus Driver for March
Joe Senter is the bus driver & may be reached at 662-662-255-5935.
Newcomers and Visitors
For more information about our church you may call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit www.saltillomethodist.org.
Join us for Holy Week at Saltillo Methodist Church
March 24 – Palm Sunday
Deadline to order an Easter lily to be placed in the church for Easter. Please stop by the Welcome Desk to order.
- 2:00 pm – Financial Peace University in the Children’s Wing
- 4:30 pm – Handbell practice in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, March 27
- 3:00-6:00 pm – Children’s Music Makers
- 6:00 pm – Children’s & Chancel Choirs in the Sanctuary
- 6:30 pm – Bible study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for Children
Bro. Tim’s class will meet in the Adeline Jones Classroom - 6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice in the Sanctuary
Friday, March 29 – Good Friday
- 6:00 pm – “Candles of Grace” presented by Saltillo Methodist Church Chancel Choir
Sunday, March 31 – Easter
- 6:00 am – Sunrise Service under the awning outside the Sanctuary
- 9:00 am – Sunday School for all ages
- 10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
Our Easter celebration begins at sunrise! Please join us at 6:00 am on March 31 st under the awning outside the Sanctuary to worship and place flowers on the Easter cross. You are welcome to bring fresh blooms of all colors and sizes. If you are not able to come to Sunrise Worship, please bring your flowers as you arrive for Sunday School and Worship.
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Wednesday, April 3
- 6:00 pm – Children’s Choir in the Choir Room
- 6:30 pm – Bible study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for Children
- 6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice in the Choir Room
Thursday, April 4
- 6:30 pm – Community-wide Prayer Service at Saltillo City Hall
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