6-4-23 Bulletin

Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Sydney Phillips, Howard Crump, Billy Graham, Bryson Welford, Tony Sandlin, Jerry Goodner, Jimmy & Wanda White

The Prayer focus for June is Our Children and Youth
Our Scripture is Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men."  

Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! If you want more information about our church, please call the church office at 662-869-2956.

Bus Driver for June
Ronnie Dunaway is the Bus Driver & may be reached at 662-871-9133.

Opportunities for This Week and Beyond 
Wednesday, June 7
  • 6:30 pm – Bible Study for Youth & Adults, G-Zone for children
  • 6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday, June 15
The Senior Adult Night Out will be at Dodlar Smith's Cabin for a cookout on Thursday, June 15. The cost is $10 per person to cover food and supplies and may be paid at the cookout. Please contact Judy Ellis at 662-231-8940 or Sonny Graham at 662-401-4555 by Sunday, June 11, if you plan to attend.

UMC Hymnals
The current UMC Hymnals will be removed from the sanctuary soon.  Many of them have been given in memory or in honor of your loved ones.  Please check the list of these hymnals (in the west lobby) as you leave today.  All of the UMC Hymnals will be in the west lobby beginning June 11 for you to take home to keep.  Please contact Jennifer Grisham with any questions.

Vacation Bible School
Join us for Stellar VBS this year, June 25-28, from 6:00-8:00 pm in the Children’s Wing. We
are going on a cosmic quest, shining Jesus’ light to the world. REGISTRATION is now open for
children ages 3 (if potty trained) through 5th grade and volunteers.




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