6-25-23 Bulletin

Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Sydney Phillips, Howard Crump, Billy Graham, Bryson Welford, Tony Sandlin, Jerry Goodner, Jimmy & Wanda White, Max & Frances Stephens

The Prayer focus for June is Our Children and Youth
Our Scripture is Luke 2:52 "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and infavor with God and men."

Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! If you want more information about our
church, please call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit saltillofumc.org.

Bus Driver for June
Ronnie Dunaway is the Bus Driver & may be reached at 662-871-9133.

Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
 6:00 – 8:00 pm -- Vacation Bible School
Monday, June 26
 6:00 – 8:00 pm -- Vacation Bible School
Tuesday, June 27
 6:00 – 8:00 pm -- Vacation Bible School
Wednesday, June 28
 6:00 pm – VBS Family Night in the FLC. We'll sing our VBS songs, make
a family craft, and share a meal together. Scan here or call the church
office to register for the meal.
 6:30 pm – Bro. Tim’s class will not meet. No chancel choir practice. No youth
activities. All are encouraged to participate in the VBS closing in the FLC.

Sunday, July 2
 7:00 am – Men’s Fellowship Breakfast in the FLC

Thursday, July 6
 6:00 pm – Community wide prayer service at Saltillo City Hall

Friday, July 7

 7:00 pm – Inspirations Quartet in the Sanctuary (Doors open at 5:30 pm.)

A Note from Your Finance Committee
Beginning July 1, please make all checks and bill pay on automatic payments to
Saltillo Methodist Church.

Annual Conference of the Mississippi UMC
The 2023 Annual Conference of the Mississippi UMC will meet June 27-30 in Tupelo.




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