10-29-23 Bulletin

Prayer List
Susan Ward, Josie Carr, Billy Irwin, Garrett Hill, Billy Graham, Bryson Welford, Jerry Goodner, Max and Frances Stephens, Phillip Izzard, Mike Mann, Bill McMurry, Mitzi Lansdell, Jackie McMurry, Eugene Whitehead, Charles Warren

October Prayer Focus
The Prayer focus for October is “Finding Your Place through In His Steps.”
Our Scripture texts are: I Peter 2:21 “For to this you were called, because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that you should follow His steps:” and I Peter 4:10 “As each one has received a gift, minister it to one another, as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.” May we earnestly pray for God to place each of us in the ministry areas He wills.

Bus Driver for November
Joe Senter is the bus driver & may be reached at 662-255-5935.

Newcomers and Visitors
Thank you for worshiping with us today! For more information about our church you may call the church office at 662-869-2956 or visit www.saltillomethodist.org.

Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Today, October 29
2:30 pm – Charge Conference at Corinth First Methodist Church
4:30 pm – Handbell Practice in the Sanctuary

Wednesday, November 1
6:00 pm – Lee County Meals on Wheels will be set up in the foyer with Christmas decorations made by the residents of Traceway Retirement Center. They will be for sale with proceeds going to MOW. Please plan on stopping by before or after our Wednesday night activities.
6:00 pm - Children’s Choir
6:30 pm – Bible Study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for Children
6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice

Thursday, November 2
6:30 pm – Community-wide Prayer Service at Saltillo City Hall

Sunday, November 5
7:00 am – Men’s Fellowship Breakfast in the FLC
9:00 am – Sunday School for all ages
10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
4:30 pm – Handbell Practice in the Sanctuary





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