10-13-24 Bulletin
Prayer List
Josie Carr, Jerry Goodner, Garrett Hill, Billy Irwin, Mitzi Lansdell, Johnny Long, Bill McMurry, Jackie McMurry, Mike Mann, Curtis Robertson, Dianna Rowsey, Dodler Smith, Max & Frances Stephens, Eloise Stokes, Becky Walker, Susan Ward, Wess Westmoreland, Eugene Whitehead, Edwina Wood; Military: Gaige Roellgen; Missions: Madison Crouch
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
Wednesday, October 16
Thursday, October 17
Friday, October 18
Sunday, October 20
Wednesday, October 23
Sunday, October 27
Children’s Spiritual Life Retreat
The Children’s Spiritual Life Retreat is November 2-3 at Camp Lake Stephens and is open to our 3rd-5th graders. Please go to saltillomethodist.org/children for more details and to sign up. Deadline to register is this Wednesday.
Josie Carr, Jerry Goodner, Garrett Hill, Billy Irwin, Mitzi Lansdell, Johnny Long, Bill McMurry, Jackie McMurry, Mike Mann, Curtis Robertson, Dianna Rowsey, Dodler Smith, Max & Frances Stephens, Eloise Stokes, Becky Walker, Susan Ward, Wess Westmoreland, Eugene Whitehead, Edwina Wood; Military: Gaige Roellgen; Missions: Madison Crouch
Opportunities for This Week and Beyond
- 2:00 pm – Middle School Students to the Pumpkin Patch
- 4:30 pm – Handbell Practice in the Sanctuary
Wednesday, October 16
- 6:00 pm – Children’s Choir in the Choir Room
- 6:30 pm – Bible Study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for Children
- 6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice in the Choir Room
- 7:30 pm – Finance Committee in the Find Us Faithful Classroom
Thursday, October 17
- 5:00 pm – Senior Adult Night Out to Catfish Country in Booneville
Friday, October 18
- 2:00 pm – Bingo at Creekside Assisted Living Facility
Sunday, October 20
- 9:00 am – Explore Saltillo Methodist in the Youth Wing
- 9:00 am – Sunday School for all ages
- 10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
- 4:00-6:00 pm – Fall Festival in the Children’s Wing parking lot
Wednesday, October 23
- 6:00 pm – Children’s Choir in the Choir Room
- 6:30 pm – Bible Study for Adults & Youth, G-Zone for Children
- 6:30 pm – Chancel Choir Practice in the Choir Room
- 7:30 pm – Administrative Board in the Sanctuary
Sunday, October 27
- 9:00 am – Sunday School for all ages
- 10:00 am – Ignite and Sanctuary Worship Services
- 2:00 pm – Bridal Shower honoring Carly Shows in the Children’s Wing, given by friends. Carly is registered at Amazon, Crate and Barrel, and Elizabeth Clair’s.
Children’s Spiritual Life Retreat
The Children’s Spiritual Life Retreat is November 2-3 at Camp Lake Stephens and is open to our 3rd-5th graders. Please go to saltillomethodist.org/children for more details and to sign up. Deadline to register is this Wednesday.
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